Author Archives: Zor
Our trip to Niagara Falls, Part I
The above photo was taken from the hotel room that me and Tamara stayed at while we were in Niagara Falls yesterday and the day before. Tamara received quite a surprise when I told her where we were going. I haven’t posted anything on here about this trip because it was going to be a … Continue reading
Spaced out
Yes folks, I’m feeling a little bit of that this morning. Not so much because I didn’t sleep, or haven’t rested, just because it’s Monday morning and that’s usually how the week starts. It was a good weekend. Tamara was away for Saturday and part of Sunday morning so me and Dylan hung out and … Continue reading
Fake No More video
Saw a post on Caca Volante today about a Faith No More cover band called Fake No More. The same post included this link to a video of them doing 4 covers. I gotta say, it’s one of the better FNM cover bands I’ve seen. They actually pull of the tunes pretty well.
Dead Reach's title track
If you’re curious to hear the latest “Tormented” (now known as Dead Reach) tune, check out the tune here
Follow-up to copyright post
So I have done some more reading and I have some more news. First off, apparently the actual bill has not been amended but merely proposed and has yet to become law. However, it seems that the timing, and content of the bill, have made it more likely that this will never actually become law. … Continue reading
Copyright reform hit's Canadians
Well folks, it finally happened. The whole issue of people being sued for downloading music and moves has finally come to Canada. Sort of. Today the Canadian government amended the current copyright law here in Canada and apparently it is all over the press. I read one article and it really looks like people are … Continue reading
HNIC on Stephen Colbert
I thought this was kind funny.
Tamara's attempt at being coy.
Last year, I started a little game that Tamara has been playing and she recently just finished it. Last night, we were talking about it and I learned something that was quite funny. One of the things she had to do in this game was find out the name of the last fictional book I … Continue reading
CTV snags HNIC theme
Read this article this morning which is kind of interesting. CTV was smart enough to know that the song has a hell of a lot of meaning to Canadians and managed to snag it for themselves, forever. No, it won’t be on CBC where it has been for years and years, but at least CTV … Continue reading