Computer Stuff
Photo frame is now done!
Yes folks, after going through some woes this weekend, I managed to complete the work. Tamara painted it up and got the matte for it, and I finished up the technical side and pieced the whole thing together, and now it is sitting on our wall, displaying pictures. Just like it should. If you would … Continue reading
++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<++.>+.++ +++++..+++.>++.<.+++.——.——–.>+.>. That right there is the source code to an obscure language called Brainfuck. The code above generates the standard “Hello World” greeting. I was sure I had more of it here but couldn’t find it in my history.
Robotech The Shadow Chronicles delayed :(
So I had noticed on Robotech’s website that the release date news article had disappeared. Turns out there’s a reason for it. If you are interested in seeing the movie, you will have to wait. Which sucks 🙁
Chris, any ideas?
Ok, I don’t know if anyone else here is programming inclined but Chris, I know you know your PHP and stuff so here’s my issue (I mentioned it before on here) I have modified the PHP file that generates the list of stories on this main page. It now does everything I want except for … Continue reading
Sneak peak at photo frame in progress
If you would like a sneak peak at mine and Tamara’s work on the digital photo frame laptop mod, have a look here as I have posted my work in progress. It’s looking up.
Digital picture frame
So folks after having a bit of inspiration in me today, I finally did some more research on building my own digital picture frame. For those of you who may not know, you can actually go out and purchase a picture frame that will display your digital images much like a slide show. In appearance, … Continue reading
Winamp for Linux
Chris, what’s a good MP3 player for Linux that is a lot like Winamp? I used to use XMMS but it looks like thats sort of old now. Suggestions?
Kevin Mitnick website hacked
Ironically enough, the infamous hacker himself had his own websites hacked. Funny and ironic!
Ripping a CD without a CD
Ok, so today I did something kinda funky. I had a song that I had actually paid for through Puretracks. However, I can’t copy the file anywhere because it’s a licensed WMA file right? So, I figure I’ll do the same thing I do with other files. Burn it to an audio disc, and then … Continue reading
Anyone got a Windows Update crack?
Ever since the new Genuine Advantage came out, I can’t access Windows Update anymore. Anyone got a recent crack for that crap?