Here and there…
As with all things, I try to keep up on things going on but it seems the blog gets left behind a lot. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that things like Facebook and Twitter have really become the place to “share” things. I have contemplated pulling the plug on … Continue reading
It was a bad day today
I took some days off this week to try and get my head straight around this whole dad thing. It has not been easy as I am fighting a lot of different kinds of emotion with it right now. On top of that, some money woes have been bothering me for some time, and the … Continue reading
More cottage news (good this time)
So at my last post, I basically bitched about the fact that it seemed the cottage bullshit was starting again. Well, a little time has passed and some things have already been resolved, mainly, my attitude about the whole thing. When you get down to it, us owning a cottage is something nice that we … Continue reading
Cottage woes are starting again…
Well folks, it seems that this year is starting to look a lot like last year and let me tell you, I’m not overly happy about it. It all started so good. We found out that our troublesome neighbors got their own well which meant that we would not have to deal with them anymore. … Continue reading
My six months is over
Back to work tomorrow folks… Yes six months have passed and I cannot believe it is time to return to the world of the working class. Man, let me tell you, the past six months have BLOWN by fast. Holy crap. It’s hard to believe that I have not worked in that long. So with … Continue reading
A bigass powercaching trail in progress
Sooooooo after doing some caching with Hosford a few weekends ago, I came up with a good spot to create a serious “power trail” of caches. A power trail is a trail or area where caches can be found very frequently along the same road or trail. The Dobson Trail for example has literally dozens … Continue reading