Ceremony Spot
If you are interested, you can check out a shot of the lodge where me and Tamara will be having the actual wedding ceremony. I think we surprised the pastor today when we showed him the place. We are really hoping that it is a nice day that day so that we can have nice … Continue reading
Rolling Stones photos online
For those of you who were not there, or would just like to look anyway, check out our shots of the show. Considering they were taken with disposable cameras, not too bad. These are scanned images. Enjoy!
Holy, what are the chances… Why can’t things like THAT happen to me?
THIS is why I don't like Americans
I read a post on MonctonLocals today that is VERY upsetting to me as a patriotic Canadian. It fricken irritates me to no end about how ignorant and stupid the American people are. They re-elected Bush, and then I find an article like this. Read more to get an excerpt recorded from the Moncton Locals … Continue reading
A.C. Lyrics If you’ve ever heard of A.C., you won’t be surprised by the names of these songs, or the lyrics. I laughed so hard I almost cried.
WICKED!!!! As a kid, I grew up with Robotech and I was SO sad when it finally went off the air and I just happened to find out today that next year, they’ll be releasing a sequel which picks up right where the series ended!!!!! MAN I AM PSYCHED!! For anyone out there who likes … Continue reading
I feel old but….
FYI…..A popular anti-inflammatory (treating arthritis, or swelling)VIOXX has been voluntarily pulled by its manufacturer: Merck & Co. has initiated a Voluntary Worldwide Recall for Vioxx effective September 30th/2004 This recall has resulted from study findings that suggest that patients taking the drug face twice the risk of a heart attack compared with a placebo. I … Continue reading