A whole pile of things
I figured while I have a few minutes, I’d sit down and post an update of all things Matt. Today is Dylan’s birthday so I suspect I’ll do a post about him on his site later but for now, I’ve had a pile of stuff going on lately so here’s some of it to share. … Continue reading
My latest house project
Well folks, having some time off from work has finally given me a chance to do something I have been wanting to do since I moved in here; build a cover for our wood chute. Anyone who’s ever been to our house and has seen the basement has probably seen the wood stove. We have … Continue reading
I've got pits of fire and it's my own damn fault
If you know me really well, then you might know that years ago I learned that although I love the smell of the Old Spice deodorant, if I wear it on a regular basis, it causes a very nasty itch on my armpits which I have dubbed “pits of fire”. Well, in the last few … Continue reading
Taking a few minutes…
After helping out with the bathing duties of both kids tonite, Tamara got Dylan ready for bed while Megan fell asleep on me. Had a little snooze while she slept and when I woke up, asked the wife for a few minutes out here in the office so now I’m taking them. Here’s a few … Continue reading
The AC/DC aftermath
Well folks, a few days later here I am ready to give you my own account of how the AC/DC concert went. Here she goes. First off, me and Tamara decided to do the bus thing (which we’ll never do again) by dropping off our car at my mom’s and then taking the bus down … Continue reading
August is here and the insanity is beginning
Too much going on and with the heat, it’s harder to deal with. Let’s see if I can put in all of the things that have been going on in the last few days. Ok, friend of mine came down from Miramichi to visit and we did a little caching. He’s just getting into it … Continue reading
Cottage progress and other goodies
Quick post… Our new cottage is officially up. We have walls, doors, and windows. No siding or interior yet but the contractor says that as long as the weather cooperates, we’ll have a new cottage by the end of the month. WOO HOO! I am psyched! Went to the beach today and had a blast … Continue reading
Pissy neighbors, emotional mothers, and irritating reviewers
Here’s a few nuggest of news in the world that is me. My mom’s cottage down in Pointe Du Chene needed to be demolished and rebuilt. Well, the reconstruction has begun and the foundation folks were down there. Now, the neighbors beside moms are brand new. This is the first year they have had the … Continue reading
RIP Raymond Ferguson (1932 – 2009)
Yesterday I received a Facebook message from my former Aunt-in-law. She sent me the message as a courtesy to let me know that her father, Raymond, had passed away the day before. I sent her a message to send my sympathies and she told me that the obiturary would be in today’s paper. Here’s the … Continue reading
Albert County Caves Adventure
So yesterday me and Tamara took on the challenge of going to the Albery County Caves. We decided to only go for one of the caves since cave #2 is currently closed. We got the info about the caves from a geocache listing. I had wanted to check it out for awhile so we dropped … Continue reading