The first smartphone I ever owned as an Apple iPhone 3G. This came out at a time when smartphones were still pretty ugly and basically useless. Apple had really taken the smartphone market and turned it upside down with what it was doing. The first time I saw the phone I was completely blown away … Continue reading
Enough with the bilingualism signage BS
I read an article this morning about how apparently some French people are upset at the new Starbucks because their menu is almost entirely in English. You can find the original article here. The article goes on to say that the Green party is suggesting the government should step in and force bilingual signage in … Continue reading
Geocaching With Mobile Devices
This article was originally published on Cache Up NB. It has been mirrored here for archive purposes only. I was talking with a fellow cacher friend recently and we got into a small discussion about mobile geocaching. It got me to thinking about how many people out there are actively using their mobile smartphone for … Continue reading
Groundspeak’s Role in Geocaching
This article was originally published on Cache Up NB. It has been mirrored here for archive purposes only. When I started geocaching in Moncton back in 2006, all I knew was that there was a website where I could download geocache data for my GPS, and go find caches. As time went on, I learned … Continue reading
Enough With The Autism Propoganda
There’s an article currently circulating across Facebook regarding how a court has “confirmed” that vaccinations cause Autism. I’ve seen several people post it and assume everything they are reading is true. Honestly, I read it and it pisses me off to no end. Andrew Wakefield is the guy at the center of all this. He … Continue reading
Feedback Frenzy
This article was originally published on Cache Up NB. It has been mirrored here for archive purposes only. It’s been awhile since we posted anything here about the latest and greatest features of this website. But it’s been even further since we put it out to our audience about the kinds of things you’d like … Continue reading
Cacher’s Corner – MEGA Edition!
In this very special edition of the podcast we get a chance to sit down with the panel of reviewers and hit them up with all kinds of questions that people are dying to know the answers to. Take a listen and learn a lot more about what it is like to be a reviewer. Continue reading
Comes Visit Us @ MMII
This article was originally published on Cache Up NB. It has been mirrored here for archive purposes only. As I am sure most of you are well aware, this coming Saturday marks an event that many have been waiting for: The first mega event in New Brunswick. Cache Up NB has been heavily involved with … Continue reading
Geocoin Challenges
This article was originally published on Cache Up NB. It has been mirrored here for archive purposes only. Friday, me and Rev Slippery headed out of Moncton in an attempt to snag the 15 caches we needed for the 104th Regiment geocoin challenge series. Left the house at 8am and returned to Moncton by 4:30ish. … Continue reading
Changing Yourself
Tonite I am in Miami Beach, Florida. It’s our yearly user’s conference and tonite was the final night with the big party blowout. Lots of people drinking, dancing, and having a good time. I found myself yet again, sitting at a table, watching people, and doing very little. In fact, I was kind of bored. … Continue reading