This article was originally published on Cache Up NB. It has been mirrored here for archive purposes only. Cache Up NB Podcast – Cacher’s Corner December 2011 – Part I For the first time ever on our podcast, we are splitting it into two parts since we ran long this time. You can listen … Continue reading
Cacher’s Corner Episode 12, Part II
This article was originally published on Cache Up NB. It has been mirrored here for archive purposes only. Cache Up NB Podcast – Cacher’s Corner December 2011 – Part II For the first time ever on our podcast, we are splitting it into two parts since we ran long this time. You can listen … Continue reading
The future of Cache Up NB
This article was originally published on Cache Up NB. It has been mirrored here for archive purposes only. Every once in awhile I put up an item on here to address certain things about this website specifically. I’ve tried very hard to insure that Cache Up NB always has recent content, and tries to showcase … Continue reading
Dobson Trail Hike – Sandhill to Osborne Corner Rd
For those who are interested, a group of us will be doing a hike tomorrow (Saturday the 19th) for part of the Dobson Trail. All are welcome to come out and join us so here’s the scoop of where, when, and what. We will all be meeting at the parking area off Pine Glen Rd … Continue reading
A major overhaul
Every few months I go through the same sort of dilemma when it comes to my blog sites. I start wondering if it’s really worth it to bother keeping them all running. Today was another one of those days. I seriously considered pulling the plug on most of my personal blog sites but then decided … Continue reading
Cacher’s Corner – Episode 10
We have hit episode #10 of our Cacher’s Corner podcast. This month our special guest was Fredericton cacher coopsquared. This special episode gives everyone the lowdown on the new Fredericton Geocaching Tour. If you haven’t heard about it, or you have and just want some more insight into how it came to be, and how … Continue reading
Caching with a goal
I stopped the car in my driveway, opened the door, looked down at the pavement and wondered if I could muster the strength up to lift my leg and get out of the car. I made my way to the front door, went inside, took off my shoes, then headed towards my bed where I … Continue reading
My own "bullying" story
There was an article written recently (which I can’t find at the moment) and a piece on the news about a young guy from Riverview who has had to change schools because of bullying. It reminded me of my junior high school days. It’s not something I think of often, and when I come to … Continue reading
Geocache Challenges VS Challenge Caches
Challenges Since the release of geocaching “challenges”, I have been hearing talk of what they are, what they are supposed to do, and quite frankly, how most cachers I know think of them as being pretty lame and having “nothing to do with geocaching”. I have however heard the odd person make mention of how … Continue reading
Cacher’s Corner – Episode 9
This article was originally published on Cache Up NB. It has been mirrored here for archive purposes only. Episode #9 finds it’s way onto the podcast airwaves. This month we talk with special guest incepit and sit and gab about a few things. Highlights include: Geocaching Challenges & Challenge Caches The wonders of GSAK 8 … Continue reading