This article was originally published on Cache Up NB. It has been mirrored here for archive purposes only. As mentioned previously here, a new type of treasure hunting game using smartphones has emerged: Munzee’s. Using a smartphone such as a Blackberry, iPhone or Android device, users can seek out a Munzee which is nothing more … Continue reading
Dylan turns 4
It happened. My little man turned 4 a week ago today. Where the hell has the time gone? Four years old for me is a bit of a milestone even though I know next year with him going to school, it will be even bigger. The reason I see four as a milestone is that […] Continue reading
Dylan turns 4
It happened. My little man turned 4 a week ago today. Where the hell has the time gone? Four years old for me is a bit of a milestone even though I know next year with him going to school, it will be even bigger. The reason I see four as a milestone is that … Continue reading
Getting the book bug
So as some of you may know, I wrote a couple of books last year. Specifically, I wrote Gut Theory and the VAJ book. The VAJ book was really nothing more than me putting together all the old VAJ articles but Gut Theory was definitely an original work. I’ve been pondering trying to get it … Continue reading
The Beneficial Side Effect – People & Geocaching
This article was originally published on Cache Up NB. It has been mirrored here for archive purposes only. When people are first introduced to the sport of geocaching, typically most folks get excited by the prospect of being able to use some piece of technology to go out and find something that most other individuals … Continue reading
Geocaching Challenges – Virtuals Officially Return
This article was originally published on Cache Up NB. It has been mirrored here for archive purposes only. It’s official. Virtuals have returned in their new format and now calls them “challenges”. For anyone who logged on to their profile today, you would have noticed a few new things, one of which is how … Continue reading
Cacher’s Corner – Episode 8
This article was originally published on Cache Up NB. It has been mirrored here for archive purposes only. Episode #8 hits the airwaves after a minor technical hitch prevented us from posting it a few weeks ago. We re-recorded it with special guest paulandstacey where we cover topics such as: Reviewer woes Groundspeak’s new API … Continue reading
Businesses & Parks: How the guidelines are applied
This article was originally published on Cache Up NB. It has been mirrored here for archive purposes only. If you have been a cacher long enough, you know that there are a certain set of hiding guidelines that is very set upon. You’ll also know that these guidelines tend to be interpreted differently depending … Continue reading
Oh you strong willed one
She is a little devil. For two years old, this is a girl who is not afraid of anything, and is VERY devilish. You can see it in her face and by some of the things she’s doing. She’s got a bit of a crush on Buzz Lightyear and now has one that she likes […] Continue reading
Almost 4
My little man keeps getting older. What’s with that? A few things of note with Dylan these days. He’s definitely the mellower of the two kids. He’s been a bit shy about being around certain strangers but he does eventually warm up to them. By strangers I mean people he hasn’t met before that I […] Continue reading