F*ck you Norampac

Posted by on February 24, 2005

Ok, this may be considered slanderous, but that’s it, today I am taking the gloves off, and letting it out. Be warned, what you may read in the post below may be very nasty and I’ll be perfectly honest, it’s probably going to be quite childish but with the day I have had today, I don?t really give a damn and I have not done a rant for awhile so this will truly be the end of anything I ever say about the f*ckhole I used to work at.

Today was a shitty day. The afternoon anyway. I had a fight with my Linux box which resulted in me having to rebuild it (better that way anyway). I have to put some new tires on my car because if flunked my inspection. Thinking I would never see me ex-wife at work since she?s not a student anymore wasn?t the right thinking as there she was, standing at reception as I walked to the copier. And then I came home to find a letter from the Employment Standards folks. Here?s what it tells me.

They informed me that they examined Norampac?s policy and according to them, Norampac is fully within their right to fuck me out of my money. Apparently, me working there for four and half years, earning my bonus, being told that I?ll get it even though I quit, is not enough reason by the law of NB to force those fuckers to pay up. So I have the option of appealing their decision or taking it to a lawyer and having a lawyer take action. I am not going to bother appealing it as I suspect I will end up being more angry at the end of it then I am now. Taking to a lawyer would make no difference and cost me more money that I?d get back.

But hey, I have friends here. How about you guys give me YOUR opinion.

After a year of service at Norampac, you are entitled to profit sharing which is basically a bonus awarded to all employees twice a year. Once in July and once in December. You are evaluated by your manager and based on that evaluation, they determine what your cheque amount will be. It?s usually been about 400-800 dollars. Not a bad little piece of cash.

So, I had my eval, did great, and then gave my notice. I asked my boss straight out if me leaving was going to affect me getting my cheque and he said absolutely not. I was sure to get my money. As soon as I left, I got fucked. I asked for my cheque and then received a fuck off letter from HR telling me that profit sharing is a gift and I?m not getting any. Without any actual explanation as to why I am not being given this money.

I took it to the employee standards folks and at first, they said I was in the right, but now after today, they basically said I?m fucked. Tough shit.

So, I?m mad as hell. After having such a shitty day, I don?t need that fucking hole giving me this kind of crap, again. I spent four and a half years in that place, listening to people piss and moan about printing and every other lameass fucking problem, along with building servers, spending countless weekends in there fixing shit, and what do I get for it? I get a big fuck you. Well, Norampac, FUCK YOU! And here?s the other thing that?s going to make it worse. Profit sharing from them gets lumped in as part of your total income for the year. I should be getting a T4 for taxes soon and I?m relatively sure that the T4 will contain the amounts from both profit sharing cheques for last year. One of those being the one I am not getting. That means that they will declare me as having income that I never received. I am REALLY hoping that they are smart enough to fix that because I do not want to claim income that I never got and I do not want to have to try and fight them for a legit T4 after being fucked out of my bonus.

I can tell you that as a former employee, don?t ever go to work there. The place has become a shithole since a certain group of management has begun there. In four years, I saw four controllers, two general managers, two production managers, three HR managers, and countless other CSR employees who have not stayed. I have heard every excuse in the book from management about why the turnover is so high but it?s interesting about how many people have quit or been fired ever since a major change in management. In fact, employees who were there for more than 10 years left because of issues with management. It?s no wonder the place is even still open with fucknuts like that running the place. Since I have no authority to actually do anything, my only outlet is this site, which I might add I have been shit on by them before about. Yes, I?ve been hauled into the little office and been slapped on the wrist because they didn?t like what I wrote about them. In fact, days before I quit, I got shit on yet again because someone there didn?t like the fact that I was so honest. Did they really think that my puny little website would make THAT much difference, especially given the fact that I was leaving? Like, snap out of it.

No. It?s not very ?professional? of me to come on here and trash a former employer but you know what, this is my website, and these are my opinions, and they belong to me. I have a small but very dedicated audience so the damage is minute and quite frankly I don?t give a fuck what anyone thinks anyway because I just need to vent. I?ll be perfectly honest. I have it within my ability to make their lives fucking miserable over there. They have no idea how truly stupid and ignorant they are of how vulnerable their systems are and in an instant, they?d be dead in the water. Fucked up the creek with nothing. Five minutes. That?s all it would take. If that. Hell, don?t even take the systems down, but just pop in long enough to grab a pile of pricing info and hand it off to the folks at Master Packaging. That?d do more damage than crashing anything. They don?t even have a systems guy working there anymore. They have 120 employees and about 50 users, three servers, and a pile of networking gear, and their support people are in Montreal. They contract out local work to some small shop here in town. Can you imagine how fucked they would be if someone who knew the intricacies of their network plotted to bring it down?

But you know what? I?m above that. That?s the reason I?m doing this. I vent it out on here so that I don?t do something stupid that would get my ass in trouble like friends of mine have. Years ago, I remember something that I did that I never forgot. I look back now on why I did it and it was so stupid, and childish, but I felt the need to so I did, and it was awful, but I?ve gone past that so that now, as a mature adult, instead of going out and doing incredibly stupid things, I come on here, vent it out, get it out of my system, and then be done with it. Maybe it?s immature, maybe it?s childish, but it?s a hell of a lot better than the alternative and I think this makes me an even more mature person because I acknowledge the fact that I can do these things but choose not to because I?m not that fucking stupid.

It?s funny. Just the other day I ran into a girl who still works there and she?s still on maternity leave. She didn?t know I had quit and had said she was going to email me and ask me wtf was going on with that place. She hasn?t been there for almost a year and she knows that the place is hell. That speaks volumes.

I?ve now been at my new job for two months. Tomorrow is the last day of the second module I?ve taught and Monday I will start teaching full days and let me tell you something. That place is a complete and total polar opposite to where I was before. They are supportive, fun, and an awesome group of people to work with. I feel like I am part of a team, and will never be able to thank Michael Leblanc enough for hiring me on there. I have my down days but work is always good and the people have been fantastic. It was definitely the right decision to get out of where I was.

For me, I feel better now. I came home and was pissed and now that I have vented this out to you folks, I feel better. Now I can go watch some meaningless TV and sit by the fire. Yeah!

So there. I?ve had my say!

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