
Posted by on January 3, 2006

As the topic implies, I am somewhat bored. I was going to have my car worked on today but decided to postpone it until Friday since I had nothing to do and knew that I’d be sitting around waiting for it to be finished. I’ll get Tamara to pick me up and I can do something. Perhaps we can do something. Who knows.

Tomorrow is the last real day of my two week vacation as Thursday will be a PD day work and Friday will likely disappear quite quickly. It has been a good but not so good holiday.

I am glad to see the new year here but I am feeling like something is missing. Not quite sure how to explain it but alas, I feel it anyway. I have not done a damn thing around the house so perhaps tomorrow will be that day. I do have a few things I could do so we’ll see how it goes.

I finished watching my Lost DVD set and am now anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new episode. That does not happen until the 11th of course but that’s ok. I also must dive into the realm of work before heading back to the school as I have a week left in my module and no idea what’s coming next. Here’s to hoping I’ll know that by Monday.

I have not played much of my new game but I did manage to make a backup of it. Ben will be pleased.

I also watched Fantastic Four last night. It was ok. Just that. Ok. A bit cheezy and I am glad that I didn’t watch it in the theatre. About the only redeeming thing about that movie was the fact that Jessica Alba was in it. Beyond that, I’ll stick to watching the Spiderman movies.

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