Bought a new video card

Posted by on May 19, 2007

I figured that since I had a little spare cash this week, I would finally go out and buy a new video card for my system. I have been pondering buying one for a long time but have not bothered because I didn’t want to spend the money on an AGP card since AGP is on its way out. But, the fact is there are some newer games I’d like to be able to play and play well as well as the fact that my old card was getting to be REALLY old and it was about time I upgraded.

With that addition to my system, I think it will be awhile before I upgrade anything else because I am pretty much at the max point before I have to upgrade my entire machine. When that time comes, I’ll probably just buy a whole computer and not bother with the upgrading thing. I’m getting lazy in my old age.

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