It has been a trying week

Posted by on June 6, 2008

I wish I could say that the week in general was good, but I think that would be a little more fiction than fact. It’s not that it was a BAD week, just that it was a hard week.

Lack of sleep, upset babies, work troubles, stupid drivers, stupid parkers, and geocaching jerk offs.

So, what made the week what it was? Well, it’s been a bad sleep week. I have not been sleeping too well and both Tuesday & Wednesday were very tiring with leaving work, and going right into teaching a Linux class for 2.5 hours. Although I enjoy the teaching, and it’s nice to make extra money, I wonder wtf I was thinking when I agreed to do it. Believe me, if I do it again, it will be for more money. So that right there has made my week tiring and giving me much less concentration than I normally would.

Throw in the fact that I have had a HELL of a time wrapping my head around some of the new work I am doing. I come from the old school IT/geek crowd. DOS, Basic, COBOL & C were my programming world, as well as NT, Netware, and old distros of Linux. Over the course of my career, I have kept up on many new technologies that my career required. However, most of those were networking related like Server 2003, Exchange, and the likes of that. My world has not been filled with things like Sharepoint, Web Services, XML/XSD/XSLT, and such. It’s not that I can’t learn these things. It’s just that for some of it, it is so far removed from the things I have learned before that it can be a little hard on the head trying to wrap your brain around these concepts. This week was sort of the culmination of my frustration. It definitely showed that I can learn the tech, but I am behind the times in some areas. I really do need to keep up.

Then of course there’s the geocaching thing. I have really been enjoying it but I learned very quickly this week that I need to keep my opinion and questions off the official forums. Man, what a bunch of whiny asses. I asked a very simple question and had my ass handed to me and told I was being a frigging jerk for whatever reason. I am washing my hands of it and I’m gonna keep on trucking.

All of that having been said, there has been some good things going on. Between myself and some others on Facebook, we dug up some VERY old photos back from the “crew” days. It’s been suggested that perhaps a reunion of sorts could transpire. It has definitely got me thinking about some other people from the past. That brings us to some other folks. I did a search recently on Facebook for some folks from my junior high days. I stumbled upon one person, who led me to another, etc. There were some names I had not seen or heard of in a VERY long time. Jason Agnew, Denise Lirette, Glen Brown, Jay Belliveau, Lenny Vieneau. Most of which are now on my Facebook friends list. Going through some of their profiles really brought back some… interesting memories. It’s funny how you can not think of someone for a long time, and then seeing them or their face brings back a flood of memories. It just made me smile. It was definitely a good way to end the week.

Regardless, the weekend is here and I can now smile, and enjoy the time off work, and hope we get some sun over the weekend. It would be nice to spend some time outside.

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