Don't look at me I'm foggy in the morning

Posted by on November 26, 2008

Not quite the same as the Faith No More song, but close enough.

I’m feeling a little weird today. I woke up and began my drive into work. Checked my email while I was driving (ya I know, bad idea) and then was going to get some food but decided to pass. Had some weird stuff pop back into my head despite the fact that it’s from AGES ago. Weird how seeing one thing triggers something else in your head which leads to something else and then all of a sudden you’re remembering things from almost 20 years ago. Very weird.

Regardless, I got into work, read the news, had my drink, loaded up designer and was ready to start work but just couldn’t quite dive into it yet. So, here I am, doing a little morning post before I dive head into work. Got lots to do today but need to blog a bit first.

Me and Tamara went out last night to try and look at snowblowers. Well, that was an exercise in futility. Indeed the city is sold out. Looks like we’ll be shovelling a little longer. We did manage to SEE a few despite the fact that they were already sold. Kind of gave us an idea of the size we want. Need to make sure that it’s large enough to clear the driveway but not SO damn big that Tamara can’t move it.

Oddly enough, I saw my ex-wife and her husband last night. They walked right in front of my car on the way to theirs. Didn’t bother to try and say hi or anything since I know it would go ignored anyway. I’ll never really understand why she feels the need to be that way but that’s her choice. After going into Walmart, I realized that seeing her didn’t totally weird me out. I can remember walking into the Pumphouse and seeing her and her mom there and just being terrified to walk in. Mind you that was quite awhile ago. This time it was like, “oh there’s my ex-wife” and I continued on into Walmart to not find a snow blower again. Felt pretty good. Except for the not-finding-a-snow-blower part.

The consensus is in and I got a LOT of real positive feedback about my geocaching race I did. Everyone keeps saying that it was a blast and that folks are really excited about doing it next year. I am glad it went over that well and will definitely make sure that next year’s race is as good if not better.

Well, I’ve rambled on for three songs so I really should get my ass in gear. I have training to attend to this afternoon so these templates aren’t going to make themselves. Off to billing world I go!

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