Bits and bites

Posted by on February 16, 2009

No, not the food, but that is good.

SO what has been new in the life of Matt Klem? Well, here’s a few things going on that I can ramble on a bit about.

Switched my hours at work recently so that means that now I get home 30 minutes earlier than I did before. Let me tell you, it is some nice being able to leave early, and have a little bit more time at home with Dylan and Tamara. Definitely worth having to get out of bed earlier.

My WhereIGo geocache is more than 50% done. I am hoping that maybe I can get the first alpha version of it complete this week so that come next weekend, if the weather is good, me and Dylan can take it for a test run. I have all the basics completed and have my areas plotted out. It’s more about debugging and fixing some of the minor stuff then I’ll be ready to publish it.

I also bought 12 new cache containers that I plan to hide in Riverview. I have a good spot that they can all be hid in and the best part is, you HAVE to walk it. There’s no way to use your car. That makes it a bit more interesting for folks who like to park and grab. This one they have to take a nice long walk to get the caches. Now it’s just a matter of getting out and doing it.

Cheez is back in town and has organized a “crew” dinner at Pizza Delight this Saturday. I’m hoping that this one goes better than the last gathering did. He’s in town for awhile and wanted to catch up with some folks so he figured this was the best way. I hope it goes well.

But folks, I really should get back to work 🙂

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