Fredericton gets their own Wherigo cache

Posted by on July 19, 2010

This article was originally published on Cache Up NB. It has been mirrored here for archive purposes only.

Well it seems that finally someone else in New Brunswick has put out a Wherigo geocache! After having three hidden within the city of Moncton alone, Fredericton finally got their own. Cacher coopsquared put together an excellent Wherigo adventure in Odell Park. The cartridge is currently available for download but I did not see the actual geocache listing online yet, but I assume that it is pending approval from the reviewers.

The cartridge is named “Save Princess Peach” and I took a sneak peek at it through the Wherigo developer tools and I got a lot of good smiles out of it and am very impressed. I can’t wait to try this out during my next visit to Fredericton.

For those of you who may have been interested in trying out the building of Wherigo cartridges, there are now some other builders available out there. I believe coopsquared actually used the Earwigo builder which is a web based builder application. I think it might actually be easier to use than the one GSP provides (which is notoriously unstable). I plan to try this out in some degree when I get a chance to build my next Wherigo.

Also, speaking of Wherigo’s, I know that some folks have had issues with Wherigo cartridges crashing their Oregon GPS units. This is a common problem which the Earwigo builder apparently will warn you about. For my own Jacob’s Bridge cartridge, I recently re-built it to fix the crash issue and since I own an Oregon 550, I went out and tested it and it now works flawlessly on this platform.

It would seem now that there are some other options for building these kinds of caches, we may see more and more of them pop up.

Great work coopsquared!

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