Bragging Up NB: Cableguy’s Football Series

Posted by on December 14, 2015

This article was originally published on Cache Up NB. It has been mirrored here for archive purposes only.

Just this past weekend, myself, Perks19, and Paulie went out and did a series of caches hidden along highway 940 from Sackville to Shemogue. It was a great series and I thought I’d share a bit of the series and our caching adventure that day.


GC675T4 was our starting point and we went all the way to the last cache in this series. The actual caching time from start to finish was around 2.25 hours. We found #1 at around 8:30 and #45 close to 10:45am. We also picked up another find in the middle of that road making the total amount of caches snagged on that one road at about 46.

IMG_2480This was a real nice easy series of caches to find. As the descriptions indicate, they were all hidden relatively close to the road but did require a bit of ditch diving. As you can see from the photo taken here (inspired by by this photo taken at my hamstercache), there was a little bit of danger involved with some of the local wildlife but somehow we managed to persist through.

Of all of the caches, there was quite a variety of containers, and as you would expect from CG’s hides, a few creative ones as well. As for the actual difficulty of finding them, we were all quite happy that for almost every one of the caches we found, it took less than a couple of minutes to locate the contain. Spot on coordinates, and easy to spot containers.

We had a few spots where coordinates seemed to be off quite a bit (15m or so) but that may simply have been a case of coverage in the area and how they were hidden on that particular day. No cache we found took us more than 10 minutes to find. Most were within a minute or two.

IMG_2483There were a few areas where the ditches were a little wider than normal. In the dry months, these would never be an issue. But with some of the snow that had come down, and the rain we’ve experienced as well, some of those ditches were quite wet. If you’re not finding these during the winter, I’d definitely recommend you wear waterproof shoes. Once the snow is down and packed, these will be even easier to find.

We made it through this series relatively unscathed. Perks19 had a fall and his hand landed into something nasty. It was swollen for awhile but thankfully he had a minor first air kid in the car (courtesy of the M3 swag bags I might add) and patched it up good as new. I was glad we didn’t have to perform a field-amputation. I also managed to snap a photo of the rabbit you see here. We spotted him hopping through the woods and then opted to remain frozen in place. He thought his white fur camo’d him well but he was pretty obvious. Some deer were also spotted in the woods.

We topped off this run of caches with a run through Ma & Pa’s Peat Moss Road series which was also a great series to pick up. Easy finds on a road that was very muddy. Almost got Perks’ car stuck but we managed to get through it. At the end of our day, Perks had hit his 6000 find milestone and I walked away with 78 finds. Not bad for half a day of caching.

If you’re looking for some numbers or a nice cache raid, both of these series are great. Got lots of shots for Battlecache and letters for COAP from both series. Definitely recommend them to everyone.


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