Author Archives: Zor
Site updates, weekend fun, and more
I managed to do a little bit of work updating the site. I fixed the photo galleries so they are now pointing back to Facebook where they should have been. I didn’t change the albums but for some reason Facebook changed the URL’s. I really wish there was a way I could post the pictures … Continue reading
It has been a trying week
I wish I could say that the week in general was good, but I think that would be a little more fiction than fact. It’s not that it was a BAD week, just that it was a hard week. Lack of sleep, upset babies, work troubles, stupid drivers, stupid parkers, and geocaching jerk offs. So, … Continue reading
What the hell is CBC thinking?
I don’t watch a lot of hockey, but the following article is absolutely retarded. Everyone knows that theme song and they CAN’T change it. See below for more info. — Canada’s ‘second national anthem’ silenced after nearly 40 year run Bal Brach, Canwest News Service Published: Thursday, June 05, 2008 The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s iconic … Continue reading
How lazy can you get?
New Wearable Feedbags Let Americans Eat More, Move Less
Night caching and classes
Wow, maybe it’s just a tiring week or something, but man am I tired this morning. Worked a full day yesterday and then left work at 5:30, drove to Compucollege and did 2.5 hours of teaching there, left and came home. I then proceeded to scarf down some Wendy’s for supper and by this time … Continue reading
Wow, I'm yawning already
It’s a little after 3 in the afternoon, and the yawns have started. I have been working pretty damn hard today trying to debug/troubleshoot this weird issue on a solution I am trying to build. Let me tell you, when you get one of the senior folks to come help and they have no idea, … Continue reading
A picture of Dave
Chris, saw this picture of Dave Geddes on Facebook. Thought it was pretty damn funny.
A rough Monday morning
Wow, even typing that headline right was a hard task. Let’s see if I can get through doing this post. So Dylan is sick, which means that he is not sleeping well, and therefore neither am I or Tamara. She was up several times through the night and I also woke up a handful of … Continue reading
Death metal classics
Eye of the Tiger You Spin Me Around Livin’ La Vida Loca
R.I.P. Harvey Korman
Read this story this morning and was saddened about the passing of this great actor/comedian. I still remember his portrayal of “Count De Monei” (count the money) in Mel Brooks’ flick “History of the World Part I”. A funny comic for sure. Another good one gone.