Computer Stuff
Passed 70-215
I passed the Server exam this morning with a 910/1000. Two down, one to go. If all goes well, you’ll see a “I’m an MCSA now” headline tomorrow by noon. Cross your fingers folks!
Passed XP!
I passed 70-270 XP with an 863/1000. One down and two to go. WOO HOO!!
Copying shows off a Rogers PVR
Alrighty folks!!! I did it! Thanks goes to Moonie for pointing me in the right direction, but today I had my first successful test of copying data off of a Motorola DCT-6208 HDTV PVR box that I have from Rogers. I am now going to experiment more but since I know some of you are … Continue reading
My Easter Egg went off, and I forgot!
Yesterday was of course my birthday and so celebrations blah blah blah. However, I went into work today (get to that later) and checked my email during break time. I have an email from Brian Drisdelle who is a guy I used to work with at Norampac. Well, he sends me this message that says … Continue reading
Very little…
So I gtook the box from downstairs and brought it upstairs for a quick exam. No real removable screws but after doing a bit of digging, I did find a diagnostic mode I could put the box into to give a bit of info and discovered that indeed the drive is an IDE device at … Continue reading
Who knew that doing Excel stuff could be so tiring? Cripes. Exercise and reading and all of that. Fun. At least I got two days worth of stuff done already. It’s weird having to do all this prep stuff so intently. It happens when you teach new modules. But, I must say that I have … Continue reading
Hooking lights up to a phone
Anyone know how to splice a phone wire so that I can get a light to flash or blip when the phone rings?
WTF did you do Matt?!?!?!
Before you freak… it’s ok. I had to upgrade the version of the software that powers this site and in the process, the old theme that was used got modified. Not THAT big of a deal but enough that there is a few things that are pretty noticeable that are different. So, bare with me … Continue reading
Need suggestions!!!
Ok folks. Here is your chance to have a real input into your local media. For those who don’t know, I write a weekly article for NB’s [here] magazine. I’ve been writing for it since last year and let me tell you, I have covered a shitload of topics. That’s the problem. I need some … Continue reading