Oh you strong willed one
She is a little devil. For two years old, this is a girl who is not afraid of anything, and is VERY devilish. You can see it in her face and by some of the things she’s doing. She’s got a bit of a crush on Buzz Lightyear and now has one that she likes … Continue reading
Pushing the limits of my sanity
It was one of those weekends. It actually started last week. There’s been a lot going on and I am going to take a stab at saying because of all this, my temper and patience has been limited. The first news to strike is the fact that, after 23 years, my mom has been stricken … Continue reading
My baby turns 2
And yet another year goes by. Wow. Where the hell did it go? Over the weekend me, Tamara, and Dylan all celebrated Megan’s second birthday. Although it was a very quiet celebration, it still was pretty amazing. Two years ago, this little one decided to join our family but she certainly made us work for … Continue reading
My baby turns 2
And yet another year goes by. Wow. Where the hell did it go? Over the weekend me, Tamara, and Dylan all celebrated Megan’s second birthday. Although it was a very quiet celebration, it still was pretty amazing. Two years ago, this little one decided to join our family but she certainly made us work for […] Continue reading
Are girls really that different?
It’s been too long since I posted anything about Megan on here, and today I thought I had a good topic to bring up. Tamara’s gone with Dylan to soccer, and Megan is watching Mickey Mouse so why not do a little writing. Within the last six months, the personality of Megan has really started […] Continue reading
Are girls really that different?
It’s been too long since I posted anything about Megan on here, and today I thought I had a good topic to bring up. Tamara’s gone with Dylan to soccer, and Megan is watching Mickey Mouse so why not do a little writing. Within the last six months, the personality of Megan has really started … Continue reading
A little personality emerging
I find myself having less and less time to sit and write about the kids but today I feel compelled to do an update for the sake of at least writing down some of the progress that she’s been making. It seems that as each month passes by, a little bit more of Megan’s personality … Continue reading
A little personality emerging
I find myself having less and less time to sit and write about the kids but today I feel compelled to do an update for the sake of at least writing down some of the progress that she’s been making. It seems that as each month passes by, a little bit more of Megan’s personality […] Continue reading
She doesn’t drive me crazy anymore
She’s actually quite a nice kid now. Alright, here’s something I am going to say that I am sure other parents out there have thought and perhaps said as well. I did not like my daughter for the first six months she was alive. Maybe even longer. In fact, in a big way, I didn’t […] Continue reading
She doesn’t drive me crazy anymore
She’s actually quite a nice kid now. Alright, here’s something I am going to say that I am sure other parents out there have thought and perhaps said as well. I did not like my daughter for the first six months she was alive. Maybe even longer. In fact, in a big way, I didn’t … Continue reading