February 2010 Bobcast
It’s been awhile folks but here we are with another Bobcast; the first of 2010. Bobcast includes geocaching stuff, travel, work, LOST, blood, poop, and a bit more. Check it out here. February 2010 Bobcast Music credits go to Faith No More, Metallica, and Larry Leblanc.
I didn't really sell 100,000 books
It’s come to my attention that more than 1 person seems to think I was actually being serious about my post about the books and TV appearances. It was a joke. Nothing more. I’ve never published anything before in my life and I’m using a self-publishing website. The odds of selling that many that quickly … Continue reading
Can anyone spare some change?
Tamara bought me a book for Christmas. It’s a book based on the movie of the same name. “The Secret”. When it came out, it was all the rave about how it could change your life and make things for the better. I have heard several people mention it and they have taken “the secret” … Continue reading
100,000 books sold already!
In an amazing development, since the official “launch” of Gut Theory, I have sold 100,000 copies already and am already fielding requests to appear on Letterman, The Today Show, and even the big O herself. I have however decided to decline the invitations as I have a lot of work to do at my regular … Continue reading
Gut Theory Press Release
Local Blogger Releases First Book Riverview, NB – January 19, 2010 – After years of writing online and in several local magazines, Matthew Klem has finally published his first book now available through the book’s website, and The 140-page “Gut Theory” is Mr. Klem’s personal interpretation of the guiding force behind all human action: … Continue reading
"Gut Theory" – Coming to an online retailer near you
Well folks, I am officially making the announcement that my very first “book” will be released in this first quarter of this year (assuming no major hiccups ensue). The book is entitled “Gut Theory” and it will be available for purchase through most online retailers within the next few months. I will be releasing more … Continue reading
Welcome 2010!
A new decade has begun and I am feeling like this is going to be MY decade. 2009 was good in that Megan was born but there was a lot of bad stuff that went down in that year so I am turning my back on it with eyes on the future. I have decided … Continue reading
Christmas 2009
Yes folks, another holiday has passed already. Here it is Boxing Day 2009 and in a few days, the new year will be here. So, how did your holiday turn out? Well, let me describe ours. Dylan has been going on about Santa and wanting “Spiderman presents” for weeks now and yesterday, he got his … Continue reading
A week until Christmas
Interestingly enough, at this time next week, the hoopla of all the presents and such under our tree will be mostly over. The gifts will be open and Dylan will be playing with his new toys, Megan with hers, Tamara with her new car, and me with my new GPS & Ferrari. 🙂 Hard to … Continue reading
Add New Post
I’m too tired to come up with a headline so I used what’s shown at the top of my screen. Dylan and Megan both had a hard night last night. It’s not too often that both of them tag team each other and keep me and Tamara up for the bulk of the night, but … Continue reading