Author Archives: Zor
October 2009 Bobcast
Haven’t done of these in awhile. Kids, caching, travel, and cottage stuff are all featured. Music credits go to Metallica & Faith No More. Enjoy. October 2009 Bobcast
The little bugger ratted me out!!!
Well this morning me and Tamara got a huge friggin’ laugh at Dylan. He had has socks out and Tamara was asking him where the socks go. He looks at her and says “fan” as he points at the ceiling. She of course was expecting him to say something like feet or toes. Instead he … Continue reading
MDP is now in the Urban Dictionary
This post is specifically for Chris & Jason. Check out the following links. Methaldubpubicity, Spush, and Furskinges are now part of the well known Urban Dictionary site. SWEET!
Something about me
I check my blog daily to insure that it is in fact still here and nothing has happened to it. I also keep an eye on the last time a post was made to it. It seems that the time between posts seems to get more and more depending on what’s going on around here. … Continue reading
My radio commentary
<BEGIN RANT> I was going to send a letter into the local paper about this but figured I might as well just do it here. Today’s rant topic: local radio/radio in general. If you listen to the radio at all (local not satellite) then you probably are well aware that regardless of how many artists … Continue reading
It didn’t last :(
Supernanny would probably scold me and Tamara for going back on cutting him off, but we did. Dylan has his soothers again. It started basically when we realized he was getting sick (along with the rest of the house it would seem). We knew that between the stress of having been away recently, and getting … Continue reading
Dooden, broke! Dooden, broke!!! More dooden??!?!
Dooden = soother = pacifier. Ever since we took the rail off Dylan’s bed and he can climb in and out of it on his own, he’s been a bit more obsessed/reliant on using his soothers. We leave them in his bed and he knows that they are to remain there. So once he had … Continue reading
A bigass powercaching trail in progress
Sooooooo after doing some caching with Hosford a few weekends ago, I came up with a good spot to create a serious “power trail” of caches. A power trail is a trail or area where caches can be found very frequently along the same road or trail. The Dobson Trail for example has literally dozens … Continue reading
Megan “blesses” her brother
Check out the video Pulled from Read the original post here