Author Archives: Zor
More tales of the cottage
I decided that with the latest batch of “issues” to arise with the cottage, it was a good idea to put them down in writing so I don’t forget about them. This isn’t so much for you folks to read but as a reminder to myself for 10 years from now as to what went … Continue reading
Happy Birthday Super D – Updates
Our wonderful little boy is 2 today. It’s hard for me to imagine. I have very mixed feelings. I never understood why women got all emotional over their children’s birthdays and here I am doing it myself, and I still don’t get it. I am so very proud of the little boy that he is, … Continue reading
My two year old boy
Today, my son woke up and got out of bed for the first time as a full fledges two year old boy. It is very hard for me to fathom that two years has gone by already. Wow. Where has the time gone? When other people have said that time goes by even faster when … Continue reading
A whole pile of things
I figured while I have a few minutes, I’d sit down and post an update of all things Matt. Today is Dylan’s birthday so I suspect I’ll do a post about him on his site later but for now, I’ve had a pile of stuff going on lately so here’s some of it to share. … Continue reading
My latest house project
Well folks, having some time off from work has finally given me a chance to do something I have been wanting to do since I moved in here; build a cover for our wood chute. Anyone who’s ever been to our house and has seen the basement has probably seen the wood stove. We have … Continue reading
Kelly said it best…
I quote you from a comment she made on my status on Facebook: See, it’s always nice when you happen to get the difficult ones first, then when the ones who are easy to deal with come along, you really appreciate it :/ Today I had another hard day. In fact, I think both me … Continue reading
I've got pits of fire and it's my own damn fault
If you know me really well, then you might know that years ago I learned that although I love the smell of the Old Spice deodorant, if I wear it on a regular basis, it causes a very nasty itch on my armpits which I have dubbed “pits of fire”. Well, in the last few … Continue reading
She’s making noises now!
Yes folks, she has gone from saying nothing or just crying, to squawking! She’s smiling, laughing, and spending more awake time just paying attention to things around us. It is very nice to finally see her starting to develop a bit of a personality. We took the kids to the beach today and I had … Continue reading
Taking a few minutes…
After helping out with the bathing duties of both kids tonite, Tamara got Dylan ready for bed while Megan fell asleep on me. Had a little snooze while she slept and when I woke up, asked the wife for a few minutes out here in the office so now I’m taking them. Here’s a few … Continue reading
Race registrations keep coming in
Last year when I did my geocaching race event, I set up electronic registrations to let people register their teams ahead of time. I believe two or three people did this and the rest just showed up at the start of the event. This year, as of this post, I have 10 teams who have … Continue reading