Author Archives: Zor
My Halifax caching trip
It’s been a few days since I did any amount of posting on here so I thought I would share with you the latest of my adventures. A few weeks ago, I decided that since I had never done any geocaching in Nova Scotia, why not take a trip there and get some caches in? … Continue reading
Paperless Geocaching without a PDA/Phone
Well folks, it isn’t a perfect solution, but check this out. When I go caching, I used to carry around a Palm PDA which I stored all of my hints and information about a cache in. That way when I was trying to find a cache, all I had to do was dig out the … Continue reading
The village idiot leaves the house
Today is the official day that the new president of the USA is sworn into office and Bush is FINALLY gone. I have to say, that as a Canadian watching the events transpire in the US, it feels a bit weird to actually be excited about American politics. It seems that through some means a … Continue reading
My worst illness in awhile
Be prepare folks, this won’t be a pretty post :/ All was well in Mattland until I tried to go to bed on Tuesday night. I was not feeling that great but not feeling too lousy either. I tossed and turned and tossed and turned until about 1am rolled around and I was still wide … Continue reading
Lost, finally returning
For those fans of Lost, you can be happy to hear that the season 4 finale will re-air this Wednesday in an “enhanced” format which is basically like the other enhanced episodes which were just the same show with “FYI” info on the bottom of the screen. Definitely some interesting stuff that gets shown. A … Continue reading
WordPress, 8 months later
It was almost 8 months ago when I officially switched this blog over from Postnuke to WordPress. I’ve been thinking about doing a post about how things have been since the move. I could have waited until the one year mark but I figured since it was on my mind, I’d write about it now. … Continue reading
Here and there…
I figured since I haven’t done a full on post to here for a few days that it was about time I did. It’s one of those things where I want to post stuff on here but it always seems like I never have the time either because I am working or at home with … Continue reading
Dylan enjoying a straw @ Steve…
Dylan enjoying a straw @ Steve’s in Riverview
Just took my 18th mugshot! htt…
Just took my 18th mugshot!
Tamara is pregnant and due on May 12th.
Yes, the headline is true. But for many of you, you may have already known this. Tamara’s been pregnant obviously for awhile and we decided to sort of keep it low key for quite awhile. We figured we wanted to keep it to ourselves and not go “public” with the news until we felt good … Continue reading